Japanese Print by Utagawa Toyokuni I

Japanese Print by Utagawa Toyokuni I, 歌川豊国 (Utagawa Toyokuni I (歌川豊国))

Artist:Utagawa Toyokuni I


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Source:British Museum
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Colour woodblock print, oban. The kabuki actors Segawa Kikunojo III as Shirotae, wife of Genzaemon, and Arashi Hinasuke II as Akita Jonosuke, wearing a headband ('yamai hachimaki') and dancing with a folded fan; in the play ‘Utsukushiki yuki no sekai’ by Katsu Hyozo I, (Tsuruya Nanboku IV), performed at the Ichimura-za in the 11th month of 1799.

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