Japanese Print "Horibe Yasubei Taketsune 堀部安兵衛武庸 / Gishi shijushichi zu 義士四十七図" by Ogata Gekko

Japanese Print "Horibe Yasubei Taketsune 堀部安兵衛武庸 / Gishi shijushichi zu 義士四十七図" by Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko (尾形月耕))

Artist:Ogata Gekko

Title:Horibe Yasubei Taketsune 堀部安兵衛武庸 / Gishi shijushichi zu 義士四十七図


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Source:British Museum
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Colour woodblock print. Horibe Yasubei Taketsune, one of the 47 Ronin. The label describes Taketsune, an adopted son of Kanamaru, with 200 koku stipend and aged 34 at death.

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