Japanese Print "Koshoshusai shozo gasaku 蝴蜨秋斎所蔵画冊 (Album of Paintings in the Koshoshu Studio)" by Wu Kan 呉淦

Japanese Print "Koshoshusai shozo gasaku 蝴蜨秋斎所蔵画冊 (Album of Paintings in the Koshoshu Studio)" by Wu Kan 呉淦

Artist:Wu Kan 呉淦

Title:Koshoshusai shozo gasaku 蝴蜨秋斎所蔵画冊 (Album of Paintings in the Koshoshu Studio)


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Source:British Museum
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Illustrated book, 1 vol. Woodblock-printed. Literati-style single-page designs of flowers and figures.

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