Japanese Print "New 36 Ghosts - Demon Retrieves Sabered Arm" by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Japanese Print "New 36 Ghosts - Demon Retrieves Sabered Arm" by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, 月岡芳年 (Tsukioka Yoshitoshi)

Artist:Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Title:New 36 Ghosts - Demon Retrieves Sabered Arm


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Source:artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Shingata Sanju-roku Kai Sen" (New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts). An old nurse of Watanabe no Tsuna visited him and wanted to see the demon's arm, which Tsuna had cut off during their battle at Rashomon Gate in Kyoto. She turned out to be the demon Ibaraki in disguise. He snatched his severed arm and flew away.

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