Unknown: One Hundred Famous Views of Kuwana No.5 - The Street at the South of the School - 1 - Artelino

Artist: Unknown

Title: One Hundred Famous Views of Kuwana No.5 - The Street at the South of the School - 1

Date: 1954.

Details & Prices: Unknown: One Hundred Famous Views of Kuwana No.5 - The Street at the South of the School - 1 - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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From the series, "Kuwana Hyakkei" (One Hundred Famous Views of Kuwana). Tadahiro Hashiba intended to make 100 designs for this series, but it was ended around 70 designs. The series was picked up later and was changed the name to "Kuwana Fubutsu Shi" (The Poems of the Land and the Things in Kuwana).

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