Murayama Kanko: Kitsutsuki Vol.1 - Scenery of a City - Artelino

Artist: Murayama Kanko

Title: Kitsutsuki Vol.1 - Scenery of a City

Date: 1930.

Details & Prices: Murayama Kanko: Kitsutsuki Vol.1 - Scenery of a City - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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From the Sosaku Hanga folio, "Kitsutsuki" (The name means Woodpecker, a metaphorical woodblock print artist chiseling wood little by little). Vol. 1. Buildings and telephon polls. Scenery of a City. Artist commented on this design, "This is a scenery of a street in Tokyo. There are noisy streets, quiet streets, some modern buildings next to the old buildings from the Edo era. The sceneries of a city offer something for every artist's taste.".

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