Okuyama Gihachiro: Great Buddha of Kamakura - Artelino

Artist: Okuyama Gihachiro

Title: Great Buddha of Kamakura

Date: Ca. 1950s.

Details & Prices: Okuyama Gihachiro: Great Buddha of Kamakura - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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Great Buddha of Kamakura. Located at Koutokuin temple in Kamakura, the Buddha is a giant metal statue of Amida Nyorai. Roughly 15 meters in height (the face itself nearly 2.5 meters long), this statue weighs 93 tons. The statue was cast in 1252 and originally located inside a large temple hall. However, the temple buildings were washed away by a tsunami tidal wave in the end of the 15th century, and since then the Buddha stands in the open air.

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