Sugiura Hisui: Lovely - Collection of Creative Designs by Hisui - Artelino

Artist: Sugiura Hisui

Title: Lovely - Collection of Creative Designs by Hisui

Date: 1926 (Taisho 15).

Details & Prices: Sugiura Hisui: Lovely - Collection of Creative Designs by Hisui - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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Page no. 27 from the album, "Hisui sosaku Zu'an Shu" (The Collection of Creative Designs by Hisui). These Art Nouveau style designs were very popular in late Meiji - Taisho era. Hisui SUGIURA was the leading member of the modern Japanese graphic art movement. In which, he tried to cultivate the Japanese original graphic art instead of merely imitating the Western Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles. He established the graphic art departments at The Tama Art College and The Musashino Art College. He stated in the preface of this album that it included the new designs as well as his old designs. Because the most of his old designs had been lost by the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, he wanted to preserve the memories of his old favorite designs.

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