Tsukioka Yoshitoshi: Raiko and Shuten Doji - Dainippon Meisho Kagami - Artelino

Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Title: Raiko and Shuten Doji - Dainippon Meisho Kagami

Date: 1876.

Details & Prices: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi: Raiko and Shuten Doji - Dainippon Meisho Kagami - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Dainippon Meisho Kagami" (Mirrors of The Famous Generals of Japan). Minamoto no Raiko (Yorimitsu) and his four retainers in the Shuten-doji's wild party. Shuten-doji was a violent and dangerous chief of robber-bandits who lived in Mt.Ooe. He ate human flesh and drunk enormous amount of sake without any sign of intoxication. Raiko drugged him to submission.

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