Tokuriki Tomikichiro: Fushimi Doll Shop - Kyoto Twelve Months - Artelino

Artist: Tokuriki Tomikichiro

Title: Fushimi Doll Shop - Kyoto Twelve Months

Date: Ca. 1950s.

Details & Prices: Tokuriki Tomikichiro: Fushimi Doll Shop - Kyoto Twelve Months - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Fushimi Ningyo no Mise" February. These dolls are used as souveneer and offerings for "Hatsu Uma" festival in the first �Day of the Horse� in February. Many worshippers go to Fushimi Inari Shrine and other local Inari shrines to pray for thriving business and household safety. Many fox figures and paintings are associated to Inari shrines since fox has been considered as the messenger of Inari, the god of rice and agriculture.

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