Wakabayashi Noriko: Colorful - Scenery of the Mind - Artelino

Artist: Wakabayashi Noriko

Title: Colorful - Scenery of the Mind

Date: 1979.

Details & Prices: Wakabayashi Noriko: Colorful - Scenery of the Mind - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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From the woodblock print series, "Shinkei" (Scenery of the Mind), "Sai" (Colorful). The artist stated, "I always have wanted to know what lives in the mind and what has been growing and expanding in the mind. When I move my hand following my mind, a line appears and makes a form, and it becomes a print. The twelve prints in this series were the results of the naturally bubbling up ideas from the unconsciousness. I feel they were something resided in my mind. I wish I can always treasure the ideas from the deep in the mind when I create pictures.".

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