Tsukioka Yoshitoshi: Stoker - Yoshitoshi Musha Burui - Artelino

Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Title: Stoker - Yoshitoshi Musha Burui

Date: 1886.

Details & Prices: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi: Stoker - Yoshitoshi Musha Burui - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Yoshitoshi Musha Burui" (Yoshitoshi's Courageous Warriors) Endo Musha Morito sneakd into his lover's house and killed the person in bed thinking the sleeper was her husband. To his astonishment, the victim was actually his lover, Kesa. She knew Morito was coming and sacrificed herself. Morito deeply regretted what he had done and became a priest named Mongaku.

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