Unknown: Goldfish Float - Kuwana Fubutsu Shi - Artelino

Artist: Unknown

Title: Goldfish Float - Kuwana Fubutsu Shi

Date: Ca. 1960.

Details & Prices: Unknown: Goldfish Float - Kuwana Fubutsu Shi - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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From the series, "Kuwana Fubutsu Shi" (The Poems of the Land and the Things in Kuwana). Goldfish festival of Chinkoku-shakoku Shrine at Kuwana city in Mie prefecture. The festival honors lord Matsudaira Sadanobu (1757-1829) who loved goldfish. Kuwana is an old city along the Tokaido Highway. It was famous for "Shichi-ri Watashi" ferry to Miya (present Atta near Nagoya).

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