Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Carp and Sweetfish (Ayu) - Artelino

Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Title: Carp and Sweetfish (Ayu)

Date: Originally in Edo era, this one is re-carved edition in late 20th C.

Details & Prices: Utagawa Kuniyoshi: Carp and Sweetfish (Ayu) - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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Image of a carp and a sweetfish. Kuniyoshi had a tough time before he finally reached fame and recognition. He had reached the break-through with a series of warriors. Also at life-time less aprreciated than Kunisada, he is considered today as the better artist. This is a very rare design by Kuniyoshi and appeals by its simplicity and tranquility - quite in contrast to the master's exciting warrior and history prints.

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