Nakabayashi Chikuto: Birds and Flowers by Chikuto - Chikuto Kacho Gafu (e-hon) - Artelino

Artist: Nakabayashi Chikuto

Title: Birds and Flowers by Chikuto - Chikuto Kacho Gafu (e-hon)

Date: Original paintings in Edo era. This album was printed in Meiji.

Details & Prices: Nakabayashi Chikuto: Birds and Flowers by Chikuto - Chikuto Kacho Gafu (e-hon) - Artelino

Source: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Chikuto Kacho Gafu" (Pictures of Birds and Flowers by Chikuto) 2 volumes in one. Very nicely illustrated birds and flowers on 20 double pages. This album (more correctly Chikuto Shikunshi gafu) was printed for the first time in the Meiji period by Unsodo but the date was not known.

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